Had to Laugh

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. My sweet genteel Mother in law has just joined the CRAFT group at the retirement apts where she lives.Not quite what it seems as it is actually the Can't Remember A F+++++g Thing Group.Not bad for a load of gentlefolk ,average age being 80 plus.
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  2. where do I sign?
  3. I'd like to tell you Chris,but for the life of me I can't remember.I'm sure it will come to me later:upyeah:
  4. It ceases to be funny pretty quickly. Good luck.
  5. I apologise if I have offended you-my late mother had Dementia and it wasn't funny.
  6. I am not offended mervyn there is no need to apologise, these things do have a funny side.

    I visited my mother the other day and she looked up and said 'Eee, it's me dad'.
  7. If you ever met my Mother in Law,such a sweet little old lady,you could never ever imagine her using the F word.Hilarious.
  8. My mum has dementia, but seems happy. Today we found out that she has cataracts and could end up blind if they don't operate (at least on one eye). :frown:

    And my dad has mesothelioma :frown:

    So.......this God fella.......supposed to be good isn't he? :rolleyes:
  9. wonderful....

    he/she/it invented all these wonderful things in life.....little fluffy bunnies, humans and dinosaurs playing together in the big happy rainbow land of a jurassic theme park, necrotising fasciitis, AIDS, a plethora of lovely cancers, daisies and buttercups, hepatitis, smallpox, motor neurone disease, pink unicorns and maleria....

    "the lord god made them all"
  10. Awww love her
    I'm looking after my 91 year old nan at the mo she lives at home still but emersion heater has exploded so she is staying in a hotel at the mo
    Bless her we have the same conversation for an hour on repeat as her short term memory is rubbish
  11. We were friendly with a lovely lady,she was in her eighties and she to had a memory problem.When we visited she always asked how our children were doing at school.Our daughter was 24 and our son 19.She asked the same question every time we visited.It was very sad,I had known her through my friend,her son,since 1965.She had seen our children come along and grow up.She passed away last year and is fondly remembered.
  12. The mother in law recently chose to spend part of her savings & go private for cataract ops on both eyes. The old lady across the road from her had hers done on the NHS within 3 weeks of being diagnosed in 2009. The mother in law was told services such as cataract ops are no longer considered priorities as the authorities channel funds elsewhere, the waiting list round here is now 9 months & rising. If she had waited 9 months she would have lost the sight in one eye, perhaps both.

    Good luck to your mum, and best to your dad too.
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