
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Trackday

    Rain blowing westwards
    Struggling slick squeaking brake pads
    Tomorrow sunshine
  2. There was I thinking we were entering "the super soar away currant bun" era with lots of posts with smiley faces and words of no more than 4 letters when in fact with this haiku and someone posting the word shadenfreude recently we are actually a bit Gruaniad too if you know what I mean . Glad there is room for both and what a good mix. No snobbery, inverted or otherwise.
  3. Antidisestablishmentarianism.
  4. You`re just showing off now!
  5. I'm just havin' a laff!
  6. Coughing feeling ill
    Tomorrow ace cafe ride
    Will feel better then
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Furka
    Cloud fogged mountain road
    Hairpins tempt to the zenith
    Summer snowdrifts deep
  8. lost of shiny pills
    magic spells working on me
    feeling better now

  9. Vintage

    Tweed gent’s grey whiskers
    Patinated black and gold
    Side-valve chuff chuff chuff
  10. GP
    Yellow leg red bike
    Marlboro money high hopes
    Oh no! In the weeds
  11. The boy stood
    burning deck
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Sun shining shorts and t-shirt
    Unforeseen event
    Not so happy now

    Dedicated to Fig on the Too much protection thread.
  13. shiny day no kit
    Volvo charging into sight
    my arse has come off
  14. Tyre

    Fun sticky orbit
    Latex, belts and carbon black
    Grip heated. Go! Go!

    P.S. The Haiku (Baiku?) is usually 5-7-5, but don't feel obligated. P
  15. Factory

    Desmo cams grinding
    Efficient assembly lines
    First fire up. Glory!
  16. If its passed anyone by, a Haiku is a type of Japanese poem (not necessary for it to rhyme) that is five syllables then seven, then five
  17. Vale's off to Yam.
    Thinks he'll beat J. Lorenzo
    Hmm. I'm not so sure.
  18. Maybe we should have a Haiku day where all posts have to in the form of Haikus.

    That ought to annoy plenty of people. :biggrin:
  19. Posting in haiku
    many folks will be pissed off
    making posting hard
    • Like Like x 2
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