Spotted this weekend: Halfords 22 piece combination spanner set from their Professional Advanced range, that includes lifetime guarantee, in a moulded tray that fits straight into the deeper (front to back) drawers of most tool cabinets now £29.99! Many ratchet head spanners (both hinged and fixed head) to clear at £3. I was told further price cuts on other tool sets expected Tuesday Can't see either offer online, seems to be only in store
Get a Halfords Trade Card for good discounts year round. Bought parts worth £47 and change recently. Paid £22.00 at the till
Indeed, I fell foul of that with a 'lifetime' warranty ratchet driver, broke after a couple of years but they won't replace it without the receipt - despite it being branded 'Halfords Professional' and 'Lifetime Warranty'. Maybe they think I bought it in a previous life...
Halfords Professional Web-only offer - (but you can reserve online and collect in-store) 150 piece socket set - reduced to £99 from £199 - plus a FREE 25 piece spanner set (currently on sale for £49.99 reduced from £99.99) Merry Christmas!