Just a warning about the hand gaurds. if you are planning on some high speed riding, check the hand gaurds for any cracks. Especially around the main fixing bolt. Had a day at cadwell park, and the left hand handgaurd collapsed at the end of park straight. A day of 140mph blasts proved too much. there was a slight crack on the gaurd in the morning which I thought was ok. Wrong. good job it wasn't the brake side... On the plus side.. My multi is a 2011... The left hand gaurd for a 2012 model fits a 2011 (saw that tip on here somewhere thanks). The 2012 is available with out indicator, saving about fifty quid. The 2011 left hand one only comes with indicator. However the right hand one on the 2011 is available without indicator. confused??? always check for different part numbers could save money.
The multi is an excellent track bike. adjust the brake and gear lever up as far as they will go. no prob with ground clearance. Keep your toes tucked in and hang off. Excellent. Running in the intermediate group lapping cadwell in the low 1 min 50s. not bad for a tourer!! I also have diablo rosso11 tyres fitted which are excellent too...