Hi, do hand held speed guns, ie: policeman leaning on the open passenger door of the car, take photo's? If the police use a hand held gun, do they need to stop you to prosecute you for speeding? Just wondering
hope not but i guess modern technology has that covered id have thought by now. gun is probably linked to a camera system somehow,an in car one maybe or perhaps theyre on the gun now dunno. fingers crossed for you chap.
Speed guns take your speed not pics, and qualify them with ANPR I think. They then follow you and stop you to tell you what you've done. Don't ask me how I know.
El T & Ronin, thats what my "Friend" thought. But, between "my friend" having the gun pointed at them, and the police man jumping in his car as they passed, "my friend" spotted a convenient traffic island about 1/2 mile away, and took a small side turning off the island ... and a few more subsequent turnings, and the police car did not actually stop them. Just to point out, my friend did not speed off, and there was no high speed chase involved. Just a convenient turning that was taken as the police car pulled out of their layby and made their way through the slower traffic. So, without actually stopping a vehicle and talking to the driver, will the police have enough evidence to issue a prosecution?
I don't think so. Maybe you could pm Andyb on behalf of your friend to find out, then let us all know
Was the speed radar pointed at the front or the back of your "friends" bike. If its the front then they need to catch up with you, sorry him, to see the number plate. If it was the back then the technology most likely has your number and will deliver the NIP as usual
my friend got such a ticket recently. They do NOT take a photo, they register your licence plate number + GPS track your location, the ticket can then come in mail.
This is why small plates rock....just to add....Carbon said that the copper was leaning against the car.... My mate has got off on a speeding fine (wont say who he works for though) as he asked for the electrical test certificate to be viewed on the gun as the copper was leaning against the car while he got clocked claiming that it wasn't correctly grounded - and got off (ie not a correct speed taken)...as they could'nt produce the test certs for the gun....
That is a very good point though, my friend i mentioned in my post above was in a car thus a licence plate would be visible, on a bike you would be a bit luckier, as the speed guns are used to aim at the front of the vehicle, and if he jumped into the car after that, he just clocked your speed but not who you are. I mean who your friend is
add to that, I've gotten clocked by a gun driving a car once, the cop was alone, I swear I was not speeding... anyways he said i was 20 over... i contested the ticket to court, got a letter 2 weeks before the court date that the cop refused to show up thus my fine and ticket is waved. always worth a try, they have to actually agree to show up to a hearing if they dont you automatically win.
I think the other thing is that if you keep asking questions (formally) they absolutely must reply, no matter how stupid, they must reply by law....(same mate) said if you keep asking questions but wait until around the 5 month mark for each question then they literally give up...apparently the time frame for anything to then happen without your say so is 6 months...
you just gotta be prepared to drag it out for about 18 months or so - other mates in his department have used that angle as well...
I think if it is a cop in or around a car with a gun they generally need to stop you, thats not to say the technology doesn't exist to get you with ANPR but more likely he was just waiting for someone doing a fair sack over the limit to have a bit of excitement. I think there is a good chance you'll be ok. Re the court thing, if the policeman is going to go to the court (because you question the accuracy or the way it was done), you have a right in law to ask if there have been any similar incidents involving the cop (and any other who was with him) as you would feel that it is relevant to your defence. Basically you are asking for his disciplinary record, you will never get this and they then have a problem pressing ahead, although you will need balls of steel as I you will have all sorts of threats thrown at you (I did anyway). Oh, and before anyone gets on their high horse, I was "judged" by 2 police officers (they had nothing in the way of equipment) to be doing 90mph on the M4, the road was straight & quiet, it was dry and visibility was good and I was not doing 90mph (it might have been 89 though)