That looks like a good idea for freeing up precious underseat storage space, and easy to get at. One question, are you sure the rear hugger/wheel won't clout it on full compression? It looks like it should be OK.
17cm wheel travel.... Safe to say its safe I've seen it on a previous version Multi on facebook what do you mean? kill = dirt? there is a lot of space before the wheel will even come close to touch the lock in full compresion.
True, but the shock isn't too far away with a precision ground shaft and seals - that seems to survive OK. I think a cap or some other sort of cover for the keyhole on the lock would be sensible though. Maybe mounting it with the keyhole facing forward would protect it enough.
you are all worried my screaming yellow lock will get all dirty and covered in mud? ooooh, how sweet *whispering* 'its just a lock' About the vibration, of course I will keep a keen eye on the bracket, however 2 notes: 1. the owner of the pre dvt multi that owns the same kit (last picture I posted), hasnt noticed anything after the 6000km he's riding with it. 2. unlike him, I also added red loctit on the bolt that keeps the bracket in place. The lock has a 'door' wich encloses the keyhole from the elements. (blue tab at the side)
Sorry but Oxford products which are made in china are poor standard, and their locks are very cheaply made of cheese, I have given up buying their brand units now and buy the Chinese versions for a third of their mark up.
Had the same lock fitted in the same position on my Multi for near on a year. No issues. Got it fitted in a similar position now on my GSA. Happy with that too....
Really? Well crap, thats a bummer. But its not that I paid crazy money, only 36 euro for that lock. To be honest, it does not feel nor look cheaply made. For its size it has a hefty weight to it, I recall something around 500 gr. Do you have proof that supports that statement? Based on what?
Ok so that particular lock is rated 3 on the Thatcham test scale, pretty good, but other locks they sell are not good. Still its quicker to cut your disc so matter how big or strong your lock is thieves if they want your bike their getting it.
No arguing that, but why not make stealing a time consuming process? My main goal was a small light compact lock wich I could use quickly when leaving the bike alone for a short time. But for longer trips, for example going on vaction, where I would have to leave the bike unattended and out of sight for a longer time, I'd throw my heavy duty Abus disc lock with chain in the equation. Maybe I don't have the most optimal or careful mindset, but I tend to be lazy when it comes to protecting my bike when going somewhere in general. While not the safest or toughest setup up, at last now I've found an easy way to carry and use a lock for every day with this set up. And thats certainly better than what I usually do when going out for a ride...