Happy Birthday AL......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. ..........Thanks, that's jolly nice of you.......:wink:
  2. Many happy returns Al, have a nice day :upyeah:
  3. Have a totally splendiferous day, Al.

    And many more to come.

    Happy Birthday.
  4. Hope it's a good one Al!:upyeah:
  5. Finally getting the key to the door?

    enjoy, and make today memorable!

  6. Justin case I forget, Merry Christmas mate :upyeah:
  7. Does that make you 89 now? ;-)

    all the best young fella :upyeah:
  8. how many bumps?
  9. I feel old just reading this, have you got your bus pass yet? they keep moving the goal posts I think its 62 now for the pass. Have a drink on us.
  10. Happy birthday Al hope your having a good one :)
  11. Happy Easter from the Holmfirth Alzheimer's society :upyeah:
  12. Hope you're having a great day ;-)
  13. Bet youre really proud of that telegram!Have a good un!
  14. Happy Birthday Al! Hope you're having a great day, and hope the hand is healing !
  15. No, 103.
  16. Can't remember what that is....
  17. Not quite........but then there aren't any buses here anyway.....
  18. Third one, now.....
  19. Thanks all.........:biggrin:
  20. Happy Birthday Al. Cheers, Keith.
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