1199 Happy Days...first Track Day Complete

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by istanbulian, May 10, 2015.

  1. The attached was my gateway to fun at Cadwell on Saturday.

    I found it difficult to get real stats before I set off (so took my HP4 as well just in case!) but 1199R with full system and most importantly the baffles fitted just squeaked through at 104 Db when the bike was canted-over. Vertical the bike registered 108Db; well over the limit of 105Db


    Judging by the number of Panigale owners that approached me after going through noise testing, this is clearly a continued area of angst.

    Just make sure you have the baffles in though!
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  2. Saw you at Cadwell. I was on a 1299s. Standard cans. 108 stood up. 105 leant over at 5k in wet mode. Touch and go indeed!
  3. There was an agreement with msv that if you fail a static test they should let you through and measure on drive by.

    I've gone through Oulton at 108 static and been passed. Failed the drive by later but passed the static nontheless.

    How far did you lean the bike over ?
    Wet map - genius didn't think if that. How much difference did that make ?
  4. As above, good idea with the wet map, interested to know what difference it makes?
  5. As above, does it make any difference? I've got a 104db day at Snetterton coming up....
  6. Edit...mines an 1199 with Termi end cans but I will be putting the baffles in for the track day
  7. Sure it will be fine
  8. The 1199 with termis and baffles should fly through. The 1199 is stamped at 104 stock whereas the 899 and 1299 are stamped at 108. When I put termis in my 899 it tested at 103 without baffles.

    I don't know what difference the wet map makes tbh. I never tested the other modes. I just thought it might help dropping from 205 to 120hp. It was leant over quite a bit and the msv guys helped to steady it... But with not having it in race mode I didn't have the lean angle up ha.

    I mailed msv prior to going. They said it would have to be very close to the 105 to allow a ride by (106 I assumed). Bear in mind that a 3db rise is actually double the noise! However he said make sure it's well warmed up as that definitely helps.
  9. Just re-read the original post. Seems his 1199 struggled. Although it's an R with full system so maybe that's why the need for the baffles. i was just going by experience with the 899 with termi end cans.
  10. Harry,

    You are correct; my R has the full bore (40mm) system and termignoni's fitted. Without the baffles fitted there is absolutely no way it would have got through. The baffles are a pain to fit but do the trick and just about brought it under the level.

    Didn't even think about switching it to "Wet" so I will try that next time as well.
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  11. If you do a No Limits trackday, book in Inters. They go out first without a noise test. Then when the tester grits his teeth, sucks in and announces it's 10? dB and at that level it'll fail the drive by, you can re-assure him that you've already been out and not been black flagged, so it must be ok. Worked for me on an 1199S, standard exhaust but with flapper valve disconnected and set open.
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