Coming from a Monster 696 I was expecting the Multi to have a more sensitive clutch but to be honest I haven't notice a big difference! Is it just me or any of you also find it quite hard? Can it be because of the fact that the bike is brand new and maybe with some miles it would soften up?
I don't know what the clutch on a 696 Monster is like but coming from an ST4s and previous 900SS and 916, all with dry clutches, the MTS clutch is far lighter but with a different action.
I see... I remember my first monster 695 had a rock hard lever with dry clutch... ouch Whilst the 696 has the wet one...
My mate has a monster and the clutch is very light, bled mine the other day and it's good but soon I shall be getting a new slave cylinder from JHP which is supposed to make a big difference (35% lighter allegedly)