It's that time of year again - the time when all the brain-dead, Jeremy Kyle watching, f**k-wit morons decide it's time to try to recreate down-town Beirut by setting off the loudest fireworks they can buy from the local corner shop at random times of the night. Personally I would like to see the public sale of fireworks banned - but I recognise that all that would achieve would be a thriving black market and people making their own. On the plus side, the aforementioned Jeremy Kyle audience would hopefully manage to blow themselves up whilst trying to make a bigger firework than their half-wit neighbours... I also believe that all public displays should require a licence - one that would require the posting of notices and the ability of the public to object, much like planning permission. If anyone came up with the idea today, there is no way it would be allowed - "I know, let's have a festival where members of the public can buy dangerous explosives over the counter and set them off in their own gardens, whilst they all stand around a big fire, chucking bits of tree, paper, plastic and petrol on it. Don't worry about them setting fire to their houses or ending up in hospital having set fire to themselves and their kids : the tax-payer can pick up the bill"... So, I think you can probably tell which side of the argument I stand on : over to you...
You bunch of miserable mean minded gits. Try living in china for a while, fireworks going off all the time. Love em
Move to the country, most bangs are the local farmer letting off his 12 bore at poor lil mr foxy woxy, and most people have enough deformities too qualify without costume
Had a ridgeback that was born on fireworks night - whether that had anything to do with it but meant I could never leave the house for about a week either side as she was absolutely terrified of the things Kids were never that keen too bloody cold to be stood around outdoors at that time of year
I love fireworks except for when they continue after 11pm My spaniels were never bothered by the noise I took them out kept calm and they just followed suit
I lived in Northern Spain for a while, and those peeps were bonkers for fireworks... They don't bother me nowadays, but do think there should be more regulation on the sale of them. Not heard any round my way so far...
Must be time for you to go back to the "civilisation" too much :wink: hopefully see you in Nov
I bought my very first fireworks a couple of years ago. It always looked very expensive for thing which went whoosh bang and produced a couple of sparks. I was right. It was. Love firework displays. The pets aren't/weren't bothered. Laid back bulldogs and dozy ( now deaf) basset hound. Don't think the cat is too keen though.
i must say, ive also noticed a distinct lack of firework anti social behaviour round here...probably because its been raining most evenings and the asbotards would rather be playing death or glory of whatever it is these kids do on these new fangled atari spectrums... it a quirk of fate that fireworks are available publicly, and all to do with religion of course... personally I think that the sale should be restricted, but who wants to squander a small fortune on a few pathetic pops and wheezes in the back garden..?? if i wanted that, i'd try and get a 1960's Ducati started...never mind the fact that when youve seen tens of thousands of pounds worth of tax payers money spent on new year fireworks displays, its a bit difficult to be impressed with a few in the garden that dont even have as much snap, crackle and pop as a bowl of soggy rice krispies....
Why should they be restricted? They arent in many other western countries? The health and safety and NIMBY's spoiling fun for everyone to appease a few. Did none of you lot ever play with fireworks when you where younger? Al where you all born middle aged and miserable?
As a child I loved buying bangers and running around pretending to hurl grenades left right and centre. As an adult I can take them or leave them. But I do have an out of date signal red parachute flare somewhere
Trick or treat I find a pain in the arse Nowadays kids aren't satisfied with a sweet they wait for more or say is that it!!! Won't be any this year I'm on a budget