
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. So you have got caught out, a bit of bad press, bit well naked...................can we hear the PR machine working O/T.....i know......

    lets send him to Afganistan, new news!!!! forget the naked romp....

    Or is it me.....
  2. I'm surprised there isn't an announcement about an engagement or royal pregnancy or summat.
  3. Naked romps in Afganistan....go Ginger Spuds, make yer dad proud! Are you reading this Mr. Hewitt!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. I would be very surprised if the two were linked. So I suspect it is just you ......
  5. Prepare to be shocked....the truth will out one day!
  6. Conspiracy theories? Big brother controlling the public?

    Ok so what have you done with Andy and how did you get his log in...
  7. H for king!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crack on ginge " go kill me some terry Taliban "
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