Has anybody experienced this one.....

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Rizzo, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. At last, on Sunday I took my second brief ride out on the 899.... I found i inadvertently hit a few false neutrals, on one occasion as the revs inevitably increased then returned to normal, I lost the function of the quick shifter, the gear indicator ceased to work! Furthermore the Engine braking number disappeared from the dash and was replaced with a (-). I adopted the logical approach and turned off the bike prior to re-starting, initially it corrected itself, however, two miles on and it occurred again - without a false neutral happening. I rode home and popped the bike in the garage checked it after an hour and - seemingly it's corrected, that said, I haven't ridden it. I'm hoping that the bike needed to be turned off for a lengthy period as opposed to the minute I gave it whilst out riding. I spoke to the Dealer he agreed in terms of it probably correcting following a period turned off. Has anybody experienced the same issue please? Incidentally, what a fantastic bike, in almost every sense! I can't wait to run it in and have the first service....
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