Has anyone tried....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducbird, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Vredestein Ultrac Sessanta or the vorti
    tyres on an Audi RS4
    Or any other similar car

    Thanks guys/gals
  2. Vredestein Ultrac Sessanta tyres............................

    er no!
  3. Yep, got them on my A6. No complaints. Quite a lot of road noise though.
  4. Dave
    What I would like to know is how well they work in the snow.
    PS2 are on there now and were very good in the snow.
  5. Blimey - Snow? We don't get snow in Somerset :wink:

    Can't say I know Viv - if it is snow then I just use the Landrover all the time. Soz.
  6. Lol if only a landrover could be acquired hmmmm maybe an idea

    The freaky weather down south and M4 made for interesting driving in the snow
    (not myself)
    But the RS handled outstandingly
    I have relayed the info
  7. No, but I was very happy with Falkens on my 450bhp 300ZX.
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