Have I missed owt ???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Twangobango, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Been away from the forum for a while for many and varied reasons, but have returned, and wondered if I'd missed owt?? :wink:
  2. nope, the world has been put to right
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  3. Move along please!... Nothing to see here!... What's an owt???:smile:
  4. Like an in...:wink:
  5. It's a bit like a small or baby French owl of mixed gender (without the 'le')
  6. Yes, you missed yourself being banned,so ,bugger off!
  7. Have you been staying with Funky ?
  8. Northumberland rejoined civilisation, after a short time away then? Where has it been on holiday?

    You missed the free xmas dish out of £20 notes, from the forum moderator - nice chap is Matt :upyeah:
  9. Thanks all.....still got the same Monster 1100s, didn't get out as much last year cos I'm gigging with the band (King Size Voodoo Traveller) twice a weekend so its been and still is busy, 50 gigs in the diary for 2014 already.....and Char not been with Funky (as far as I know!!)....
    Bike is ready to rock at any time....this pic just after last wash...:upyeah:

  10. Where is funky?
  11. He has a tendency to abstain on occasions.
  12. Was going to ask the same, been a tad busy of late here, too.

    but all looks well in the world of Ducatisti folk, so thanks for making the initial enquiry, Twango.
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