Have you shuftied a whale?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Loz, May 10, 2013.

  1. There has been recent talk on other deviant forums of this actually taking place.

    What are your experiences of this, proof needed. :wink:
  2. Shuftied a Whale?
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  3. Anything I don't understand I usually Google the phrase.

    But Googling "Shuftied a Whale" brings me back to this thread on this forum!
  4. You all read it here first, folks! pmsl


    First there was this thread: Can you wheelie a shaftie?

    Then there was this thread: Can you shaft a wheel?

    Now there's this thread - which is meant to be about whether you have ever seen a whale out in the open sea with your own two eyes. :wink:
    #5 Loz, May 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2013
  5. Why is seeing a whale in the ocean deviant?

    Or is it the simple fact of wearing a wetsuit which is considered dodgy?
  6. Deviant forums have their off-topic threads as well. It's not always about the rubber or the fresh fruit, you know.


    I would imagine.
  7. If you say so....
  8. ah I get it - no only dived with whale sharks
  9. Dolphin, manatee, sharks various (inc hammerhead), manta rays - tick.
    Whale, whaleshark still on the to-do list.

    Not overly fussed if I don't see a tiger shark or great white whilst out diving.
  10. Maybe you'll see a mako shark, glidd. You don't even need to be diving at the time, apparently they get right in the boat along with you :upyeah:
  11. A mako shark is reputably a dangerous beast - the most dangerous, I believe, of the species common off the coast of Britain.

    But not that many sharks will chomp a diver for no reason.
    I wouldn't necessarily want one to hop into a boat with me (a sort of marine Life of Pi).
  12. I once told some people there were Whales in the river Thames if they stood still for long enough they may be lucky to see one :) :)

    Then that poor Dolphin,s GPS took him the wrong way.
  13. There WAS a whale in the Thames a few years ago, was there not?
  14. are you shore?
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  15. whats the porpoise of a wet suit?
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  16. [​IMG]
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  17. Oh no! it's the Pathetic Sharks!

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  18. Seen wild ones near Seattle, a performing one at Sea World, and eaten one (not a whole one) in Japan, presumably after it had done it's bit for research......
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  19. ive slapped a few beached whales and rode the ripples ;)
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