Hawes Today, Panigales Galore!

Discussion in 'Ducati Spotted' started by Flatfish, May 30, 2015.

  1. Saw lots of phanis in Hawes today, any of them you?
  2. Sorry for the late reply. Could have been me. I often ride leyburn to hawes. Mines a red 899 black leathers white boots.
  3. could have been! memory like a sieve !
    had bike serviced today, so took 1299s over skipton, grassington, nidderdale, otley.
    Theres some great roads around there, never been that low in the dales before :upyeah:
  4. Where do you get your bike serviced? I live near richmond, I think Newcastle is my closest. My plan is to take a 1299 out when mines due a service in August.
  5. I guess your equidistant to Ducati Leeds?
  6. They're about the same I think. Don't suppose anyone has points ref ducati Leeds or m&s Newcastle?
  7. Where do people ride around this area?
  8. yep , Leeds mate, im probably going to do it myself from now on though. Im just too fussy. I do much of the work anyway, like fluids, cause i dont want any stray drips!!!
    just book the servive and 1299 in plenty advance. Im interested to hear what others think on the 1299.
  9. :upyeah:
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