Hello, My friend has binned his 899 and needs a new set of headlights. Does anyone know if they’re the same unit as on the 1199, and does anyone have a set for sale, please? Many thanks in advance. N.
Hello mate! How are you? The 748 went to a smashing chap who lives near me (who is on here now, too), and one of the 899s went to a chap in Ireland. The other 899 is still here for the time being and still for sale (albeit not advertised anywhere as I’m away for work all the time at the mo’). The back remains as fucked as ever, if not actually a little worse. Thank you for asking mate. Did you decide to sell the Honda in the end? Hope you’re well buddy.
Tried selling, had a tough crowd on here (non-Honda lovers it seems). Had a bite for a sale (but then went and dropped it ). Currently in bits in the garage getting ready for next year. I'll keep her for a bit longer (till i'm a better rider and my work is less.........volatile). Hope the back gets sorted mate.
Sorry to hear that dude. It’s a lovely thing, you were absolutely ripping on it. Sorry to hear about the volatility too. Fingers crossed for you mate.