Heat wave weekend and next week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by big thumpa, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Hope it happens ,got the wife and kids booked into a log cabin near oban for a week im going on the bike got a new Pirelli on the back just waiting to be scrubbed!!! just need make my excuses to go and play when there sunbathing :biggrin:
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  2. About bleeding time too :upyeah:
  3. To quote Messrs Python, "you lucky lucky b@st@rd".:smile:
    Hope the weather holds for you
  4. Sorrright for you lot...:frown:
  5. Why is it not sorrright for you?
  6. A lady in a Ford took his bike away from him :frown:
  7. As long as it continues into the following week I'll be happy.
  8. Ahh. Full sympathies extended to Mr Nelson
  9. ...almost my balls into the bargain! :eek:
  10. breaking out the BBQ tomorrow - char grilled tortoise anyone?
  11. Caught it yet?

  12. Not much meat on a Greyhound steak......
  13. hope it lasts, Home on Wed for four weeks, got lots of riding to do, not just bikes either :biggrin:
  14. I hope it holds too. I'm stuck inside working all weekend in London and then Monday-Tuesday in Germany ... but I'm off to Goodwood Festival of Speed Wednesday-Sunday :cool:
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