Heated Clothing - Vest Or Sleeved?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Moorland Monster, Nov 24, 2024 at 9:07 PM.

  1. The time has come for me to get some heated clothing! I am looking at the range from Keis and trying to decide whether to get full sleeved or if a vest would be sufficient. Interested to hear people's experiences of the pros and cons of both!

  2. Sleeved.

    I’ve had both, in fact probably still have both. If I remember rightly the sleeved version allows you to plug in the gloves.

    I have Keis never had a problem. I bought a second lot with the gloves when there was a discount for blood bikers. I haven’t tried any other brands.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. I have the sleeveless one, really good but make sure you have the heat controller so you can switch it up and down.

    I’d say if you can get the sleeved vets then it would probably be better.

    Motoledgends were selling off all their Macna heated gear as they were stopping stocking it, might be worth a look?
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