a bit close to home this one and know the area well. my part of the world, my wifes father was a police helicopter pilot in glasgow, thaughts with all concerned. a big thumbs up to the way the locals helped at the seen. weegies at yer best. proud to be one off you.
im sure many scottish or in particular glasgonian contingent on here will find your laughing comments sick.
Certinly I took it with with humor that was intended. You cant pick and choose these things Just because you have a small connection to the situation. That would make me a hypocrite I dare say the jokes will be on there way as the glasweegens have a great sense of humour
Well I'm in Glasgow born & bred.........which most on here will take as an alcoholic half wit probably. I agree 100% with finm, your locale or involvement from a situation shouldn't mean a total sense of humour failure. If really deeply involved or a loved one then I could understand. I also appreciate Phill's point of view too, it was a terrible tragedy for those who have lost loved ones and friends but I'm just amazed it wasn't worse. Short of a suicide bomber or a nutter with a pump action shotgun I can't think of anything much more catastrophic and at the worst possible time. The fact I was in a different boozer in the city just brings home that there by the grace of insert your particular divine being here go I. John
Locals to Glasgow, saw the angle of humour intended, nothing wrong with that. Youre not above potentially offending many swathes of society..... Careful when getting on soap box. post 24 http://ducatiforum.co.uk/f18/govern...aimants-work-their-benefits-15310/#post234805
Im Glaswegian and have taken no offence to what has been said on here. That being said, sad tradgedy hopefully not too many people are seriously hurt although going by the news 3 people have died :frown:
Good question. From my limited viewing of cops with cameras programs it would seem that most of the time police helicopters chase petty criminals who have nicked cars or motorbikes, though I accept it isn't a very representative survey. The EC135 has been grounded in the past for cracks in the main rotor shaft flange, initially regarded as an isolated incident then discovered not to be the case. No doubt it will come out in the AAIB report.