Hello And Question About Ducati Worx !!!

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Ed31, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. Hello ! Has anybody had any dealing with Ducati Worx, a uk run company based in France ? I am looking at buying a bike from them, just wanted to know a little more about them.
  2. Welcome Dave and I have no knowledge of them - maybe @Bob T does??
  3. He does get some nice stuff in. Maybe he has some contacts at Borgo Panigale as it would explain the 2 un-numbered Superleggeras he has at the moment.

    I know this doesn't help you though. ;)
  4. Never heard of him. He seems to be in my region, but his website does not even give a landline telephone number - very strange for a company.
    I would be wary of parting with money without basic information.
  5. He seems to have some lovely bikes, just be nice to find someone who has had dealings with them.He certainly knows his stuff, and seems a nice chap.
  6. Exactly ! Just have some alarm bells ringing ! Better to be safe than sorry etc
  7. All his bikes appear to be sourced in Europe so will need to be imported into the UK which will attract VAT unless you can prove you paid the French equivalent and the bike will need registering with the DVLA. There are forum members who have horror stories of British bueaucracy where that is concerned. What you pay him will not be what it costs you and despite what Ed31 asserts, the seller does not know his stuff given the simple errors in some of his adverts. He currently is offering a standard red 1098R which is not 1 of 500 as claimed. Andy
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  8. Thank you
  9. The bikes im interested in are both uk registered 916, so I don't think there will need to be any tax paid on them ? On the phone he seems knowledgeable
  10. The registration mark on the 916sps might be a UK number but the plate is most definitely not. If the bikes have been exported at any point in their history, I do not know what the legal requirements are. My advice would be to research the whole process with UK Customs and the DVLA before committing to buying anything. Good luck but be prepared for it not to be straight forward. Andy
  11. If it has a current UK registration number with V5, you are good to go, it means all required monies have been paid to HMRC. It's impossible to register a bike on UK plates unless this has been done.

    There is no requirement to pay duty or VAT on a 2nd hand motor vehicle coming in from the EU UNLESS it has done less than 6,000km

    Importing vehicles into the UK - GOV.UK

    It's quite simple really. It cost me about £96 iirc to register my 1098R when I imported it from Jersey (£55 fee + £41 road tax). I had to pay VAT on it as Jersey is not in the EU though. This was even though the bike was originally registered in the UK from new but had been out of the country for more than 3 years. Once HMRC were satisfied I paid the VAT, DVLA gave me the bikes original number back. I had to send in a pack with Jersey reg document, NOVA declaration, MOT, Insurance etc to DVLA before I got a V5. Shame, as the Jersey plate was a good one. :upyeah:

    #12 Robarano, Aug 2, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2016
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  12. A quick check on the sps registration number shows a 996cc Ducati was MoT'd in the UK during September 2013 and the road tax expired a month later in October. A similar check on the sp3 shows a 916cc Ducati was taxed and MoT'd in the UK during June/July 2013. I'd still do a MID check as a matter of course but on the face of it, could be very simple. Andy,
  14. Thank you Andy, that's massively helpful !
  15. Just used the DVLA web site vehicle tax check beta system to look up the registrations. I would advise a more extensive check on the history of the bikes to reassure yourself they have not been stolen or involved in an accident resulting in a claim. There are several web sites that offer that sort of service. There is a risk in every business transaction when you are dealing with new people and you can only do so much checking. Never be afraid to walk away from a transaction if it doesn't feel right though. Andy
  16. Thankyou Andy, I asked for a uk references which didn't check out(they could have forgotten) I would never poo poo another mans business as reputation is everything. I just need some reassurance I'm not getting duped ! I have my own business now, was in the motor trade in a former life,I've heard horror stories from both customers and the trade.You have to go by more than gut feeling sometimes
  17. Ok, on here they go by MKF Ducati, not ducati worx, does that ring any bells ? Can anyone act as a reference or verify he's a saint of motorcycle sales I really appreciate all replies so far. Seems a good forum. I'm a long term 916bp owner, really want an sp/sps which these guys have..
  18. MKF Ducati have been on here for quite a while i know as i do see their sales threads from time to time. Seem friendly enough too.

    (Sorry, that's not much help is it)
  19. That's a good start, just need the info to keep flowing
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