Hello Ducatisti of UK! My name is Telli, I am 43 years old and I live in the western part of Germany in Mönchengladbach (the city where the famous football team - at least in the 70's it was famous ;-) - comes from. Since last week I am a proud owner of a Monster 1000 i.e. Dark, model 2002 and I hardly can get the smile off my face after my first rides )) I am sure you know what I mean I joined your community, because for me it's interesting to follow discussions of people from different countries about their bikes, too.
Hi Telli. I know Mönchengladbach quite well as I bought my first new BMW an R75/7 from Hammer and co there many years ago. I lived nearby for a few years.
Hello and welcome into the mad house Plenty of different people on here the locals are right strange :Clown: Smiles for miles
Welcome, thanks for letting Jurgen Klopp out of your country to join the best team in the world. Steve
Ducbird if you are going to wear your sunnys again you might want to consider a cruiser! in yellow (nice and slow) may well suit your image