Thanks for this site. I am an old kid that likes to tinker. I bought a 1996 900 supersport on a whim, stock, unmolested, but unkept, and am busy fixing/breaking, working with, and on ... it. I am an old caveman carpenter, sharpen my own chisles, split my own firewood, and have no idea of what is in, or going on. I don't like, or understand computerin, or snobs. I like to drink, shoot guns, and rev. motors. Some say I am an old hippy, but I think not. I have come for information. I have no Guru. I try to be of good nature, help as I can, and wish the best to all.....So, best to all!
Hello and welcome! Which part of Maryland? My better half has relatives in Cumberland who we visited a few years ago. It was a lovely part of the holiday and such welcoming people there too!