Hello everyone, Quick intro post to say hello! I'm a fairly new rider, having passed my test a month or so ago - started learning in Jan and bought myself an RC125 to learn the ropes - ended up doing nearly 1,000 miles on it as just loved getting out there on a bike! Subsequently passed my test, so it was then onto researching and looking into a huge number of different bikes for the first 'big bike' - the Monster was always on the shortlist, so eventually decided to go for it! So decision made, I picked up my new Monster 821 at the weekend - rode it up from Newcastle on Saturday and took it to the Touring Cars at Knockhill yesterday. Absolutely love it! Just clicked with it straight away - actually finding it easier to ride than the MT-07 I was learning and took my test on! And the sound?! Superb! Just looking to get a few bits bought for it initially to make it a bit more personal. Anyway, looks like a good resource and will hopefully meet a few fellow Ducati owners at some point! Cheers