Hello from Norfolk

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by steviegasgas, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Hi, I own a Multi 1200, first foray into Ducati, so far so good, anyone else local?
  2. Norwich!
  3. Hey, i am near Hunstanton. Be great if we could organise a ride out for any local multis this summer.
  4. Welcome :)
  5. Welcome Steve
  6. Hi Steve, I'm in Ringstead, so just up the road.
  7. Hi Steve, well well, you are practically a next door neighbour!! Home is Great Bircham for me!!
  8. I'll keep you in the loop about all this,I run the Gin Trap Inn Ringstead and we host the DOCGB Norfolk branch meet (non members welcome). We started the branch in November and had a few turn up, but obviously it's gone very quiet over the winter. Hopefully get the branch up and running properly from April time. Will try to organise things such as a ride to BSB Snetterton, Silverstone etc.
  9. I am down in Ipswich, not too far but the right side of the country, am am going to try to get up for a DOC meet one month :)
  10. The plan is third Sunday of the month from 2pm. The March one falls on Mothers day, so my guess would be April on will be when I start annoying people by posting up details of the branch. Hope to see you one Sunday.
  11. I'm in Ipswich as well, I'll keep my eye on the forum for details..
  12. I have an Ipswich postcode and plenty of space to park bikes in a countryside setting....

  13. Ok. I've posted up on the DOCGB that the next meet will be the third Sunday in April( 15th) @ The Gin Trap Inn, High Street, Ringstead, Norfolk PE36 5JU. From 2pm onwards, obviously welcome to turn up earlier.
    Hope to see you.
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