hello from scotland

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by waston84, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. hello new here although i have been looking round forum some great stuff on here :upyeah: i have a 916 in my garage alas its in bits:rolleyes: and looks to be that way until i find new job but will have finshed this summer hopefullywill start thread in project section as it needs complety rebuilt huge hole in engine prob need some advice and help rack afew brains for info :smile:
  2. Welcome.:smile:
  3. Polish the fairings while your waiting ;)
    Hello and welcome to the forum
  4. hi from newcastle. what part of gods own country are you from.
    some great riding up there north west side
  5. hello and welcome. Stick a list on of what you think you need the prepare to be amazed at the help you get. Best place ever.
  6. Hello and welcome!
  7. Hello and welcome :smile:
  8. Welcome to the forum
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