Hello from SW London

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Toomanybikes, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. I've already posted on the forum and received lots of helpful replies, so all is well so far. I sold my Pantah cafe Racer a few weeks back and after toying with the idea of getting a Monster, I decided to go with a red, mint '98 750ss instead! Last of the carb models with only 12,000 on the clock! I am picking it (her) up on Friday and riding the 150 miles back home, so that'll be interesting, if not fraught with anxiety - what's that noise? Has something fallen off? what's this button? etc etc.
    Anyway, nice forum so keep it up!
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  2. Welcome aboard.

    My old stomping ground. Whereabouts in SW London are you?
  3. Born and bred Wandsworth. Italian parents. Addicted to anything on 2 wheels, self-propelled or otherwise!
  4. Are you mafia? :smile:
  5. Hello and welcome :)
  6. Not mafia, but this is my dad and his crew back in the day. He had a Guzzi dealership in Naples in the 50's and he taught me to ride a scooter before I could ride a bicycle! And if you find a horses head in your bed it has nothing to do with me... 230560_10151010696857115_887379430_n.jpg

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  7. My mum and dad are from the south of Italy. Probably about 120 miles east of Naples.

    God the place is full of wops as well as wop bikes :tongue:
  8. Welcome. Can't be far from me so may see you at Box Hill. Keep an eye on the ride-outs and meets strand.
  9. Hello! Welcome! You still in Wandsworth? I work there and you may see my yellow peril around (if it's working). Good choice on the 750ss, I sold mine and miss it more than anything.
  10. My 600 is still for sale ;-)
  11. Thanks Ducbird, sorry to disappoint but I'll be looking at another 750ss or 900ss when/if I have cash next year. Hope you sell her soon, top notch bike.
  12. :-D thanks yets
    Worth a try
  13. Hello and welcome.
  14. Welcome from North of the river.
  15. Hopefully be at Box hill with my brother this weekend. He rides a yellow Aprillia Falco, so you won't miss us! The present owner is MOT'ing the bike today, so with weather like this I'll have a good ride home tomorrow. Fully comp with swinton for £200. Anyone recommend datag?
  16. I had datatag on a previous bike. Just used to drain the battery. I've steered clear since then and use a great big, feck off chain at home.
  17. I think you mean Datatool, made by the most unhelpful company on earth:mad:

    Datatag's an vehicle marking/detecting system. Worth doing, I reckon.
  18. Correctamundo. So is datatag like SmartWater and DNA?
  19. Yep:upyeah:

    It's the original.
  20. Welcome to the forum buddy, may be at box hill in the morning so will keep an eye out for u.

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