Hello from Tyneside

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Diamaduk, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. Hey folks,

    Glad I found this forum, been disappointed that Ducatisti closed, looks like this will fill the void.
    Multistarada 1200 in red for me.

  2. Hiya jimmy,

    Another N.E. Member :upyeah:
  3. Welcome jimmy, even though you all talk funny up there.
  4. just answer one question, is it red? if so your in! W E L C O M E :upyeah:
  5. Y I man
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Thanks for the welcome folks, sorry don't have much of a Geordie accent I have only lived here for 29yrs. Originally from the Glasgow area so have a slight Scottish tint.

  7. Another NE member here, how are you liking the snow?
  8. I don't.

    But I'm not there just now :upyeah:
  9. Quite heave at points during today, wasn't setting thankfully. Weather has generally been shit for the pat two days which was my fault, polished the bike on Sunday, just begging for crap weather.
  10. Yeah, just had two weeks riding in glorious weather, flew out Sunday and my wife tells me it's snowing on Monday. I'm not usually that lucky!!
  11. i got sunburt yesterday , realy must get some sun cream:biggrin:
  12. Well I know you didn't get that on Tyneside, unless you were on a sunbed.:upyeah:
  13. Sun cream!......Sun Cream!

    Anything over 5 degrees up here n the tops off, the worse the sunburn the bigger the trophy! :cool:

    Suvern poofta's :wink:
  14. not tyneside fella im in the sunny south west , saying that it got a bit chilly today had to put me jumper on at one point :cool:
  15. I lived down there for 6 years, just as wet and windy as the North as far as I can remember, possibly not as cold though.
  16. Aye I guessed that, with your need for sun cream, so the rest of the post still stands! :wink:
  17. hold on got to pull the blinds , the bright sunlight is blinding :cool:me cant see the screen
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