Hello New S4 Owner

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by at106, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Just thought I'd introduce myself before I start asking for help! I'm Alex from Wiltshire and have a 2001 S4 that has an immobiliser problem, I did get it for a good price though! :Banghead:
  2. Hello Mr Immobile :)
  3. Hello Dave :)
  4. How much did an immobiliser problem cost?

    I can sell you one for £10, if I can find my hammer.
  5. how do.
  6. Hello and welcome into the mad house
    God help you ;)

    Ask away
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. hello & welcome
  8. Thank you for the welcomes, the problem is already on it's way to being resolved thanks to the forum!
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