hello newbie from sourfff lunden init

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by paulfastbikes, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. alright

    yes was member of Ducatisti
    and still on multistrada.net

    ride a old shed of a multistrada 1000 ds on a 03 plate ,that forever needs fettling (the joy of italian electrics )

    had lots of bikes my most fav ever ,was a 99 R1 wish i still had it !

    i will be getting something newer soon cant be bothered with the multi much longer , i ride a lot and commute so need reliability
    any ideas !!!
  2. Welcome in Paul
  3. As much as I love my BMW 1200GS, (14k miles per year _ never let me down _ only replaced diff bearing once ! ) if buying another high mileage stead I would go for something like a CBF 1000 from the Flying Wing company. I've had a few VFRs and an old 'Blade - love the engineering and reliability !
  4. Welcome to the suvern poofta from a northern monkey...

    How about a push bike in that there congested Lunden Town. ;-)

  5. Buy a used Deauville for the commute ..... you'll be surprised how nice they are to live with!

    As it happens my current 650 may be for sale later in the year but as it's only just done the clock and the original exhaust hasn't quite disintegrated yet I'm tempted to see if it gets past 150k before needing anything other than routine servicing.
  6. rode it proper today for the first time,this year went great
  7. I got an '03 multi too, but I have to say apart from not wanting to tick over, it's been great. They just need thrashing regularly to show 'em who's boss.
  8. Indeedy!
  9. well i cleaned the connection the one attached to the oil cooler and its since idled well !:upyeah:
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