Indeed, I had an incident some years ago that ended up with my battery being smashed and the resulting acid went down the side of the bike but also over my leg & boot so kit was damaged - amazing how quickly my boot 'disintegrated' after soaking it in battery acid. Bike insurance didn't cover my kit but the house insurance I had covered me for 'sporting equipment/clothing being used out of the house' and they paid up (less an excess) with no bother. I had to get a quote from a local bike shop for the gear and they sent a cheque made payable to the shop.
some of the larger clothing dealers like Infiniti/J&S used to do some sort of cover on kit I am sure, if they don't then perhaps they should as I agree it's a rip off through your bike insurance. I would go down the house insurance route
A company called ala do helmet and leather cover, noticed it last week as I had gap cover from them for my car, no idea of cost