Help! I need a Center Stand Spring

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Clattered, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Hey everyone!

    Glad to report the Mutley is all happy and sorted. I cannot thank Ducati Coventry enough for their help and exceptional customer service, unlike Wolverhampton, who were very rude, wanted money for nothing and basically treated me like a silly little girl (which I can assure you I'm not!!!). I'm about to go off for a little weekend tour (can't go to far in this country sadly), and wanted to put my center stand back on. However, I can't find the spring anywhere and haven't got a clue what length it needs to be so I could at least buy a universal one! The manual is useless and makes no mention of it. Does anyone know what length and where I can get one please :)

    Thanks chaps

  2. Hi Clattered,

    Just been out and measured the spring:

    • Full length ie top of hook bend to hook bend = 14.5 cm
    • Spring length = 10.3 cm

    These are approximates and hopefully someone else will be able to come on and provide the exact dimensions. There are actually two springs believe it or not with No 13 going inside No 14 (don't have a scooby what the idea behind having one spring inside the other is? :redface:) Here's a picture from the micro fiche of the Centre Stand assembly which will hopefully give you a clearer idea of what's needed:


    Can't help with where to find one in your neck of the woods I'm afraid :frown:

    All the best, Mark

  3. Mark,

    Thanks so much for that. Universal springs aren't going to cut it reckon and I'm getting the distinct impression that these spring in a spring jobs are hard to find. Guess another phone call to Ducati Coventry is in order in the morning!!! Hopefully they might fit it for me if I smile nicely. Oh well, another good excuse to get the old girl out ;))))
  4. As a temporary expedient, you could try this. Bolt the centre stand on the bike without the springs, and wire it securely in the UP position. Then do your tour, using the side stand for normal parking. In the event that you have a big problem, like a puncture, undo the wire to let the centre stand down.
  5. No problem and I hope Coventry sort it out for you. If not, Pete has come up with a decent temporary fix by the looks of it :upyeah:.

    Mark H
  6. Sorted. £17.75 quid later and I've a centre stand spring :) Cheers to the help guys.
  7. Glad you got sorted & have a good trip.

    Mark H
  8. Glad you sorted it.....but £17 for a spring....Jeez they don't miss a trick do they?
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