Help needed with home PC please

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bigredduke, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. I have workshop manuals for both bikes on CD which are PDF files. Problem is the home PC is upstairs which is a pain if I am in the garage fiddling with a bike and want to check something quickly. So, I managed to get hold of an oldish PC today with a view to installing it in the garage purely to view the workshop manuals & parts catalogues.

    The problem is that it isn't internet-enabled so, my question is, how do I install acrobat reader on it without being able to download from t'internet? I don't have a copy on CD. Is there some way I can download it to a memory stick & transfer it? Any other suggestions?

  2. Take it into house.....plug in Acrobat reader....take back to garage
  3. Yeah mate , just download it and transfer it to stick as you've already said - you answered your own question!
  4. The problem is that when I download it it insists on going straight to the computer hard drive & I can't see an option to save it to a memory stick
  5. Yeah , let it download in the normal way, then go to my documents, downloads and copy the file. Then paste to stick - simples
  6. Done that. When I try to open it on the garage computer it closes immediately & I get the error message to inform microsoft which I can't do as it's not connected to the internet
  7. Have you tried 'don't send'? Your garage pc is probably running an anti virus and is blocking by default - can you ignore it??
  8. No, when I click 'don't send' it just closes. The message is 'installation has encountered a problem & needs to close' which is not very helpful. as far as I can tell, there isn't any virus software installed to create problems. I just installed Windows XP as I have a copy, didn't even bother with office, I just need reader.
  9. I'm wondering if you have service packs 2 and 3 installed? There might be a discrepancy with adobe!! Requiring up to date o/s, hmm - struggling here mate - anyone else???
  10. If you only need a few pages, take screen dumps of the relevant ones, save them as Jpegs and open in paint, read from there forget Adobe?
  11. Yes that could be the problem, obviously XP was installed from a cd which doesn't include updates. Had enough now, off to bed, thanks for your help anyway, much appreciated.
  12. Update. On the advice of a work colleague, I bought a wireless USB (just looks like a memory stick) from Amazon. Only cost £4.50 too. Plugged it into a usb port, re-installed XP, updated & downloaded Acrobat Reader. Not quite as straightforward as it sounds but not too challenging.

    The advantage is that I now have internet access on the 'garage' computer which is an unexpected bonus. Handy for posting technical questions on the forum when I have made a cock-up.

    Thanks for your help
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  13. What a great idea!!
  14. im going to be the first knob head on the site to say, 'this is why i use a Mac'...

    *takes cover in asbestos bunker*
  15. have you got a link for the thing from ebay mate?.ta.
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  16. Latest update:

    Here I am speaking to you from the depths of the man cave aka the garage. At first I wasn't bothered about an internet connection particularly but after I bought the usb wireless thingy I thought I might as well make use of it.

    The problem was that the wireless signal in the garage (and some other rooms in the house) from the router is rather weak so I decided to buy a wireless range extender which just plugs in, picks up the router signal & hey presto!

    However, as is usual with these things, it's never that straightforward. All mobile devices picked up the new signal & connected no problem. The garage computer picked up the signal ok but wouldn't connect to t'initernet. I kept getting an error message that it was acquiring network address but never managed it & reverted back to the weaker router signal (very low). I spent most of yesterday & this morning changing network settings & other things suggested on various websites. I'm running Windows XP as the computer is rather old. I checked which version of XP it was & it turned out to be service pack 2. I remembered reading somewhere that sp3 fixed this and other problems. So, I downloaded sp3 which took ages due to the poor signal, installed it, restarted the computer & bingo! it picked up the extender signal so now I have a nice strong signal in the garage. Very pleased!
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  17. Can I be the second person to say "buy a Mac". There are 3 in our house and they never cause any problems. My son's PC laptop, now that's a different matter.......!
  18. The words "laptop" and "Son's" are the major clue here in why it's all going on :smile:

    The Windows PC prior to my current one had its Windows XP build installed in Jun 2003 and it didn't need an re-install up until its retirement last year. Pretty problem free, I'd say.
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