Hi to all Have just bought my first MS , a 2013 touring in red , with 160 miles on the clock ! Could you please help me with suggestions for a larger screen, as I am 6' 2" tall. Have looked at MRA X -creen, a Cee Baileys screen which gives an additional 3" in height , and is somewhat wider, and Calsci screen which is 4" taller, and wider than the original. The later two look somewhat better in the photos but not sure what they look like in reality, poss too tall !? Thank you for your assistance. Cheers
You could have look at the following; I use the Wunderlich Screen Extender on a standard screen, works well for me. http://ducatiforum.co.uk/f6/lets-talk-2013-touring-pikes-peak-touring-gt-screens-9601/
Thank you for that , MRA also do a clip on version, but I think I would like a slightly wider screen as well as taller. Used to sitting behind a GS screen !
It depends on what you're looking to achieve - weather protection or smooth airflow. Unlike a GS with Tobinators, it's a lot harder to get both on the Ducati, and so far it seems that the latter often requires a smaller screen. Consider the extra flaps that Eagle Screens manufacture.
Checked briefly, they seem to show a tinted screen the same height but wider than the standard screen. Have you tried it ? Does a flap/ mra style flap work with the standard screen. Being fairly tall, the extra height of the Calsci screen sounds good ! Cheers
Before you rush into anything give the stock screen a chance. I'm also 6'2" and have had a 2013 ST for the last 8 months. In the beginning I thought a bigger screen was the way to go but now apart from the wind noise which your going to get with any large screen because of the angle on the Ducati now I find the standard ok. Agree with Doodle if your looking for smooth airflow then a smaller screen seems to be the one that works. If you trawl through some of the old posts there's quite a lot of info on screens for the Multi. Good luck
I would add to this debate in that a crash helmet makes the biggest difference by far in terms of wind noise, comfort etc. When I started on the GS, my Arai Chaser was noticeably louder and less comfortable than it had seem previously. A slight tilt of my head down to the position it would normally be in for other bikes against the upright stance of the GS made a hug difference in noise. I changed to a Shoei GT-Air and it made a big difference in noise and comfort. The bikes look pretty gash with some huge plastic screen on anyway so I'd suggest looking at options like a new helmet as well. On my last touring trip in the US, I decided against a big screen on the bike when I picked it up and ran it naked and enjoyed the trip way more than having my view obscured by big slabs of plastic.
Thank you one and all for the very helpful replies. Will indeed give the standard screen a go, maybe just alter the angle up, as at present its angled directly at my helmet, which is a Neotec, and pretty quiet. Cheers