Got a ticket at Silverstone GP this year, I didn't pay the fine but have now received in the post the parking charge for £74, they got my address from the DVLA, From what i can find Silverstone sell the rights to a parking company to check for unpaid cars. The ticket is issued by " Indigo park services uk limited" and i have checked they are a registered company but on the letter i received on Saturday, said company are acting for a client (the creditor) "Indigo park services uk limited Moto gp " I've checked if this company is a registered limited firm and there not. There is a couple of discrepancies on were my parked car was one letter has location Silverstone carpark 26 and the other location 40, I was parked in a field on the outside of Silverstone fence at the Formula 1 pits end of the track next to the camping site, there was no signs for parking charge's or pay and display machines and the entrance to the track was through a gate in the fence and there was still no sign's mentioning parking charges. Did anyone else get a ticket and has anyone got any advice on were i stand on the matter, yes i can appeal to the company but wanted to ask on here first before i make contact with them.
General advice per the internetz is pay a council fine and ignore private company ones. Apparently they give up chasing after a while. Private unfair parking tickets: how to fight unfair charges - MSE
Unless you moved your car, they don't have a leg to stand on, because if they can't even get the location right where you were allegedly parked, it isn't a valid ticket IMO...............etc etc etc
I got one about 2 years ago in Cornwall, I just ignored the letters and then heard no more. I did some research on the company and they are renowned cowboys that just bully but dont act anything. That said I did read that some will start court action. Do your research
I had a couple from a private company around MK Central train station. Ignored them and they stopped chasing.
They will take court action I am being taken to court, date for December, been fighting a parking charge notice for two years At the mediation stage for the second time as court lost the papers There was a court case I believe now that this is why you will be chased They are unrelenting and very difficult to deal with
General advice is not to correspond with them, don't answer don't deny or admit, if they try court I'm pretty sure they would loose. The resident legal guru should be along shortly to advise .....
Are they members of BPA? If so there are loads of rules and guidelines regarding placement and prominence of signage, methods of operation etc which by signing up as a member they agree to abide by. As I recall the Parking Eye v Beavis judgement was basically regarding what is considered as a reasonable £excess charge for overstaying time in a parking area. The case is bandied about by these companies to put the frighteners on motorists. Google Parking Eye to find loads of case history, some successful some not. You can also bombard them with requests for information which in my experience tends to go unanswered and will not show them in the best light in court if they have failed to respond. As previously suggested Pepipoo has a lot of info. I did also read somewhere that the PE v Beavis judgement was over ruled in a European court that takes precedence over the UK ruling but you will need to search that one out.
Indigo do a few train stations round our way. Overnight they started charging people who were parked appropriately but not in marked bays. All overturned due to insufficient signage. I wouldn't ignore because if it did go to court, your response could go in your favour if you've had the same argument all along. You saw no signage and they can't prove there was as they don't even know where you were parked. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for all the reply's The company is a member of the BPA, Ive been reading Parking eye and Pepipoo, it looks like a minefield out there to work out what is what, I have two different location's of what carpark i was in, "it was a field with no signs or marked bays" and the private parking company is called " Indigo park services uk limited" which is a Ltd company, the company that has sent the letter is called PCN Admin centre and there working on behalf of "Indigo park uk limited moto gp" which is not a Ltd company and i can't find any info on them, so have they cocked up a bit on there wording, also i would have thought using the words MOTO GP in your business name could be illegal as it could be a trade mark? I don't think i will ignore the letter but will appeal and not mention who was driving.
Apparently you should never identify or admit to being the driver. Also check out the BPA website for rules and regs on signage positioning and specific information that they must give.You can also question that they have the authority to send out PCNs and collect money on behalf of the land owner, to prove this in court they will have to produce the original signed contract which is something that these companies really do not like doing, this has supposedly been used as a means of persuading the companies to drop their claim. Again there is lots of info on this to be found on 'tinterweb. Has to be said that which ever direction you choose to go that proper legal advice should be sought and well meant opinions from the likes most of us on here should be properly assessed before jumping in too deep.
Since you weren't knowingly in breach of their imaginary rules and there was inadequate signing and they can't even say where you were I don't think it matters what you do as long as you don't pay. My work used to give you a warning before an unenforceable ticket. Now they've sold the parking management to some chancers. I have a staff permit for both bikes that I pay for as salary sacrifice, it lapsed by a couple of days and then I got a ticket from said chancers. I've adopted the 'do nothing' (not answering their calls or letters) approach because I wasn't knowingly in breach of any contract and I despise this type of company and parking charges on the whole. The worst are the ones that make it sound like you've committed some obscene crime and are getting solicitors and bailiffs involved. It's nearly all bollocks (I say nearly as if you repeatedly break their rules or try and argue when it's obvious you've broken their shitty rules and they're sure they'll win then I'd be more concerned with paying). The more people that get scared and pay the more successful the parking company. Best bet is for everyone collectively to ignore them in the hope the business model fails.
I've had 2 in recent years both for overstaying my welcome in McDs! Barrister mate of mine told me to ignore them as I hadn't entered into a contract I.e paid for parking. It was a private parking charge and not council or police fine. They had photo's of me entering and leaving in both cases. Main point is that they cannot charge a car only a person and you are not obliged to advise who was driving unless its a police matter. I ignored all the increasing "penalty" notices and it even went to the bailiffs apparently! Chased me for about 8 weeks and then gave up. They rely on 60% of people paying up straight away. If memory serves it was a company called met parking in both cases, all looked very official. My advice just ignore
It's a charge not a fine, you didn't break any Law? Ignore it, or return it in a way you won't be entering into a contract. Personally, I'd bin it and every letter from them, don't even open the letters.
I got a fine like this for parking outside a hospital in Bristol where the sign just said no parking. I replied saying you can't fine me if you didn't even say you were going to fine me. They dropped it.
I have asked for a copy of the contract with the landowner for the planning permission for the signs and cameras apparently that will be used in court Also for a VAT invoice I'm still waiting