Hi From Sunny Kent

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by terryphukwit, Apr 11, 2022.

  1. Hi, new guy here from Kent but you already know that, had an S4 monster for a year or so and just added a pointy red 848 to the collection, having hung out on the monster forum for a while I have now come to annoy you lot... Member of the DOC Kent branch, The Spitfires and ride with them whenever possible.. Cheers....Marc..
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Welcome to the forum:)
  3. Welcome Marc
  4. Are you originally from Thailand?
  5. Hey,

    Fellow kenter
  6. Welcome and enjoy
  7. Welcome to the mad house annoying phuckwit

    where are my rubbish bin pictures we like them and it keeps me happy :D
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