Hi From Sydney

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Fr3d, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. Hello and happy to be a forum member. Love my 2015 MTS 1200S and looking forward to learning about this bike. Not my fi r st bike but my first Ducati. Thanks Fred
  2. A very warm welcome to you!! The forum are a great bunch :upyeah:
  3. Throw a few shrimps on the barbie and we'll be over soon.
  4. Speak for yourself ;)

    Welcome Dave :)
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  5. Welcome FR3D :)
  6. Much welcoming
  7. Welcome, Fred. Bonzer bike.
  8. Greetings.....Lived in Clovelly for 8 years.... Been back in UK just over a year....Will head back to Sydney within the next year or so :upyeah:
  9. HI Sidney...and welcome.
  10. Thanks for the welcome messages and of course want to catch up with locals but also any OS visitors looking for the cooks tour when they arrive in the Antipodes for a ride?

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