Hi, Newby Multistrada 1200s Owner - Gateshead

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Gheads, May 9, 2016.

  1. Hi New Multistrada 1200s owner however not new to Ducati - Had 2 x 748, 2 x Multistrada 1000s, 1 x Ducati 999 and a 1098. Of all I loved the 999 cracking bike.
  2. Hi gheads and welcome to the forum. Hope you many a good smile per mile from the multi.
  3. Welcome, throw an image or two at us.
  4. Awereit Gheads, i have a ZX12r that I've not been near for over a year since i purchased my 1200 Multi i love it very very much, she does misbehave now and again but don't we all, good times ahead...
  5. Welcome Dave
  6. Hi and welcome to the forum! :upyeah:
  7. Welcome aboard Gheads :upyeah:
  8. image.jpeg
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  9. image.jpeg

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