Hi Vis

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Will it ever be cool???

    hi vis.jpg
  2. Errr ... no.
  3. If it prevents what I'm going through at the moment I'd rock one on a dull day..
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  4. Given some of the power ranger stylee leathers some folk wear, it isn't a million miles away. But, if the cagers can't see a headlight at however many lumens, then what makes someone think they will see the wasp behind the headlight?

    not for me, but some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and somebody may like it?
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  5. What is it exactly? Is it a fleece of some sort, or a rugby shirt, wet suit top or a textile motorcycle jacket?

    Looks like something you would pull over a fake Christmas tree so you can store it in the loft....

  6. [​IMG] here's a picture of mine - all carbon fibre loveliness - used to race back in the day

    It's for 'cyclists' so we know where to aim
    #7 Char, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2012
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  7. That looks like the sort of thing that would go nicely with a pair of tights and a codpiece, ideal for recreational wear whilst tossing a flag in the air at The Palio in Siena.

    Or cycling, especially on the mean streets of Harrogate where lots of myopic old grannys in Micras hunt in packs.
  8. Char, many Ducati riders here are also cyclists. You make yourself look ignorant when you repeatedly trot out this line.
    #9 JerryXt, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
  9. No worries ignorant twat is fine with me
  10. Right then, here we go. As cyclists can't be trusted to ride responsibly, it's about time they were forced to abide by the traffic laws in the same way as all other road users. That means carrying a numberplate (and therefore registering the bike) so that they can be identified. Chew on that for a while before I reveal my plans for insurance for cyclists...
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  11. Don't hold back Fig, say what you really mean!
  12. And as for hi-viz, the government can poke their hi-viz shite up their collective arsehole. If they spent as much time and money teaching people how to drive safely as they did pushing ridiculous 'health and safety' mantras there'd be no need for hi-viz shite in the first place.
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  13. I wear a hi viz when cycling to work and on the scooter but not taken the leap to wear on the sportsbike yet ! I wear one for commuting as it is generally bad weather or dark so anything that helps you stand out a bit more is a good idea.
  14. Never cool, but often needed. I will always wera it when Im riding at night, but the key is contrasting with your surroundings. In strong daylight I never wear the hi vis, which means that I dont wear it when riding my 1098
  15. I don't think it's needed at all. In fact I think it's pedestrians that need hi-viz the most. Don't make a blind bit of difference on a bike.
  16. I'm not so sure, anything that helps people stand out for some of the nobbers you see on 4 wheels must help?

    You know the type - they drive at high speed while taking photos of their dashboard, and then get pompous about road safety and driver training for other people:upyeah:

  17. But I haven't hit anyone, or been hit myself. And don't you dare tell me you don't speed - if you don't, what the hell are you doing riding a Ducati..? You are no better than me. Get over yourself.
  18. I have an orange hi-viz vest which gets worn over the top of my jacket on most rides, yesterday being the first day of December it got upgraded to a long-sleeve version (I work in warehouses so hi-viz wearing is part of everyday life :wink:), the overcast & bloody cold conditions meaning not many cagers were expecting a loon on a motorcycle to suddenly waz up behind them...

    Does it get you seen? I would like to think so. The very name "hi-viz/hi-visibility" would indicate its not going to make you blend into the background... I have been out in the car myself before & had bikes appear from nowhere, or suddenly disappear - so Joe Public must have a helluva game!

    Townwork, night-riding, any poor visability condition its a no-brainer! If it gives you just a little bit more stand-out and stops you ending in a ditch unable to move with blood running out of your ears then all good - coz that's not a particularly cool look either. :upyeah:

    Black bike, black leathers? All the headlight in the world wont improve things... plenty of cars have worked out headlights get you seen too & have them on in daylight in shitty conditions, myself included?

    I get to where I'm going & take it off, stick it on my helmet with my gloves, job done.

    And lets face it - the car driver who failed to notice a bright red & orange 110dB motorcycle isnt going to get sympathy from the Police or their insurance company... :wink:

    I have over 19 years no-claims (touch-wood) simply by not riding like a twat & riding around the other "challenged drivers". I am to keep it that way.

  19. pedestrians need to engage their brain before they cross a road. They are without doubt the most dangerous group in London - to themselves and two-wheeled road users.

    OK, maybe mini cabs would tie for first place.
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