Highlands Tour

Discussion in 'Touring' started by raphael, Jan 13, 2024.

  1. I have a week in the highlands and outer Hebrides every year with this being the first on the new ish to me 1299s.
    I’ve seen the Hebridean way but can’t see anything about on a motor bike? Has anyone done it or know someone who has that has any advice or ideas,
  2. i've done it with the now wife as pillion about 20 odd years ago. probably before it was a thing. we didn't plan anything. ferries, accommodation nothing. just rocked up to the ferry at Uig and took our chances. i maybe wouldn't be so bold next time for the main one off and back to the mainland as the ferries are always heaving. i would maybe take a tent next time too. just incase, as accommodation can be hard to get short notice. tho we did manage to find somewhere every night. as always, the best weather is between end of march to mid june. by the sounds of it you know the area and will know the places to see.
    take a puncture repair kit but tyre wear shouldn't be a problem. you will be leaning hard to the left all the way up the islands and hard to the right all the way down. those westerly's can be strong out there.
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  3. Thanks for the reply mate,I’ve always just gone straight to stornoway then rode around Lewis and Harris as I class stornoway as home having family from the island but never been up through the smaller islands on the very bottom
    I’ll be booking the ferry’s and places to stay as have seen over the years just how manic it can get, especially with the ferry cancelling at short notice and how full the islands get.i don’t think I’ve been up there without it feeling like it’s pulling the bike into the sea.
    This was the last time I had a little ride around down in Harris


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  4. You may already know, but Calmac sell an island hopping ticket called hopscotch that might save you a couple of quid. There are prescribed routes but one covers the Hebrides.
    Also, if you are able to avoid the Scottish & English school holidays then things are usually a bit quieter.
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  5. Harris is probably the nicest of the islands. but they all have their charm. the Pollochar inn is/was a nice place to stay over with a great bar. the ferries aren't as unreliable as is reported. it was predominantly covid related cancellations and bad weather late winter early spring causing near all issues over the last several years. but yip, several ferries have been a tad unreliable of late.
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