History of the Eagles on the BBC

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Has anybody been watching this series on the BBC. Excellently made and really interesting :upyeah:
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  2. caught the first? one - I knew there were 'ructions' but didn't know to that extent. Re: 'rockumentaries' and slightly off-topic (and in cynical mode:)) - I shudder to think how much D. Bowie charged the Beeb for his recent 'release' - how many others noticed how very carefully tailored the whole thing was.. (meow)
  3. No but I watched the Bollywood version of Carmen transmitted live from Bradford's Centenary Square last night on BBC3 :upyeah:
  4. It was good eh Matt? What a full-on life those guys had. Not sure the years have been kind to all of them though: Don Henley appears to have turned into Mrs Doubtfire?! :eek:
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  5. I saw Joe Walsh and Don Henley on the One Show a couple of months back I think.

    Joe Walsh Looked like Zelda from Terrahawks :eek:

    View attachment 16480
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  6. good likeness ^
  7. Sounded like her too :tongue:
  8. great show...

    youre right, they were on the one show a few weeks ago..my mate bumped into Walsh the same week in Vintage and Rare Guitars on the New Kings Road. He was buying a tasty/pricey early 60's Strat!
  9. I preferred the one about The Doors the other night..........Hell, they were good.

  10. sorry, but i just cant see what the fuss was about the Doors...fkn boring..and Morrison was a total waster imvho...i hated that plinky plonk Bontempi organ noodling around in the background out of time and out of tune...still better than that lispy twot who won X factor or whatever who made that appalling (and therefore moderately successful cover)..at least Morrison could pronounce 'Fire' through his LSD haze, instead of saying, "Fi-yyer"...or Hi-yyer..then that crappy 'scat' bit where he blows it out of his 'arris....i did like the jazzier arrangement though, even if it was only two chords (ii-V for the muso's out there...same as "Holding back the years" by simply red.

    #10 funkyrimpler, Jun 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  11. I preferred the one about Peter Green!
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  12. Oh yes that was very good. They did a follow up when they looked at Fleetwood Mac as a whole which was pretty good too. Seems the beeb are pumping out a fair share of music documentaries at the moment. Ive seen ones on Roy Orbison, Otis Redding and Bobby Womack as well
  13. I am loving the rockumentaries on the Beeb. I tend to stay up all night looking at them - compulsive.
  14. Can't agree with any of this!

    I think the Doors were completely brilliant. Barely produced a bad song, let along a bad album.
    I like the plinkety-plonk organ.

    As for Morrison, he had one of the best voices rock has ever heard, and his lyrics, whilst perhaps pretentious at times, were a lot more interesting than what passes for lyrics in most rock music. Of course he was a waster - almost goes with the territory doesn't it? The list of wasters is long: Iggy Pop, Anthony Kiedis immediately spring to mind, not to mention Keith Richards and a host of others. Doesn't seem to do their artistry any real harm. And Morrison was a fantastic, provocative front man.

    You listen to LA Woman now, and it is just as vibrant and brilliant as when it came out over 40 years ago.

    So, na!
  15. Then you need to hunt down When You're Strange, narrated by Johnny Depp. Another excellent doc :upyeah:
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  16. whilst I won't completely write off the Doors as per funky, I don't believe there would be anything like the amount of adulation poured on the band/their music had Jim Morrison not 'left early'.

    from the second episode - Joe :- " I ended up being an alcoholic, and.. very fond of cocaine"
    #16 Chris, Jun 11, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2013
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