HMRC bastids

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by plug, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. I have started getting nasty letters from HMRC about me owing them for an over payment of child tax credit's going back a few years and I should pay it back now, or phone them to set up a payment shedule to pay it back over a period of time.

    As I did this years ago,still have the original confirmation letter from HMRC and have been paying it back by direct debit ever since I am thinking about ignoring them. I assume that they will work themselves up into a tizzy at some point and start court action and then I can give them the good new's.

    Does anybody out their know of a 'down' side of me doing this ?
  2. I would give them a ring dont ignore it.

    Have you ended a claim and started a new one.

    I had a nasty surprise when I ended one claim and started another even keeping them informed
  3. Don't ever ignore them!!
    My friends son died and for a couple of months she was in a dreadful state ...
    They hounded her ..
    Wanted the money back right away ..
    Poor lady was getting grief while trying to arrange a funeral it was sickening they did not care!
    CSA ... Hmm yes they go after the decent Dads who actually are paying usually .
    The ones who don't pay are usually left alone !
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  4. like all 'official' agencies....utterly uncaring, uncompromisng, unsympathetic.
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  5. Hear hear but to be ignored at peril.

  6. certainly..nice to know that we're "all in it together" isn't it?
  7. phoned them up today prepared for a bit of a 'ruck'...........blow me,the very nice woman on the other end admited
    that they had made a mistake on their system,corrected it and APOLOGISED for the error !!!!!!!

    In one stroke she has ruined my faith in the HMRC :smile:
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  8. What they give with one hand...

  9. Check the advice you got from them elsewhere, with a qualified professional, I used the helpline last year, they gave incorrect advice/information, cost me a few letters, grey hairs and a year of dialogue trying to get a refund having followed their advice.

    compensation or interest? Fluff off, was the essence of their response. It is built in to our SLAs to be inefficient and incompetent was the reply.

  10. Good news, but I'm not entirely surprised following recent dealings with HMRC re tax code cock ups etc. The individuals who handle the calls have all been polite and helpful, and I've come to the conclusion that it is much better to remain on the right side of them! I would not want to end up in their sights like this bloke: Multimillionaire couple told to pay £600k tax bill as judge rules family home in UK - Telegraph

    Not that I am at risk of a similar ruling!

    I do have some sympathy with HMRC in the area of tax credits, because it was Gordon Brown who inflicted on them the additional task of administering what is in effect a social security benefit system tangled up unpleasantly with the income tax system.
  11. If the country gave nothing out, tax credits, child support etc. there would be no over payments to claw back.
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