Hi guys, I picked this up at Stafford over the weekend, it's a cracking little bike, 250 four stroke, this is the base bike for the moto 3 race bikes, absolutely original from the Honda factory. Not sure whether to keep it standard or get some nice goodies for it.
Get a 2012/13 (?) paint job in HRC colours. Or a wrap in the same. Then TSB. Job done. Edit. And some seat foam. Edit 2. Definitely a wrap. And keep std parts.
Be warned these lovely little Hondas are ripe for raping your wallet. Mine (a slightly less little VFR400) now has new suspension front & rear, new brakes, new tyres, new cooling system, new fairings, new wiring, new lights, new controls and I'm just getting started!
yes on the exhaust mate though very small and compact, no on the starter motor, need rollers to start.
Yeah I tried too. With hindsight I should never have bothered. Making our bikes the best they can be is the way ahead!
Superb find - where did you get it from? Go for a wrap - easy to get something like this with the white base already there.
i do alot of shows with my DJ bike, and my mate next to me bought it along to show, i couldnt stop looking at it, we got chatting and he mentioned about selling it, so i gave it a bit of thought, we came up with a figure we were both happy with and i put it in the van.