Honeysuckle Weeks

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. ..........is OK, apparently......

    ....I wish she had been missing here......
  2. Looking forward to the headline news tomorrow with all the non-famous young women that have a breakdown and go missing...its what the licence is paid for...public service broadcasting

    Now where did we put those 000's of vulnerable under 19's that disappear each year...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. She sounds like a porn star. Is she?
  4. She sounds like a drama queen.
  5. Posh bird with attitude.
  6. She looks horny but I'd have never guessed from the picture they used that she was in her mid 30's. More like 45+
    Still, v nice :)
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