Horsham Piazza 7

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Deep Diver, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Horsham Piazza VII
    This now annual event will be taking place on March 29[SUP]th[/SUP] 2013,
    Horsham Piazza is an event that takes place over the Easter Weekend, and is a great day out for all the family, on entering Horsham Carfax you will find Italian food stalls, music, and lots more, go to www.horsham.gov.uk for a full events listing.

    In 2012 we had in the region of 200 bikes and scooters taking part some classic and some modern, and was on display to the public around Shelley’s Fountain in East Street

    In 2013 the format will be the same as for this year, we meet up at Motori-di-Marion West Chiltington RH20 2QR from 09:00am, this will be where you register and group up for a ride into the Sussex country side, before the grand parade into Horsham, and you will find a warm welcome from every one, along with Tea, Coffee and a nice selection of classic bikes to look at. Some time around 10; 30/10; 45am the ride out will start (do have a full tank) the ride is about 26 Miles and take some 45min’s, you will take in some of the outlying Villages around Horsham ending up at the Hop Oats park and ride (Fuel is available)), here you will be asked to arrange your self into your manufactures group’s, then at about 11:45/11:55 you will set off with the Ferraris for the big ride into Horsham. (PLEASE DO NOT GO INTO HORSHAM BEFORE THE RIDE IN AS A CHURCH SERVICE WILL BE TAKING PLACE)

    The chosen Charities for 2013 are to be the Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice and West Sussex Air Ambulance, if you could please see your way to making a donation, they would all be very grateful, in the past the average donation has been £5:00, so a reasonable amount has been raised in the past, but as BIKERS we are renowned for our love to help out when it come to Children Hospice/Hospitals, so if you could see it in your heart’s to just put that figure or more, will make every one’s day.
    For advance booking please contact Jilly on [email protected] or myself on [email protected]
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  2. I'll be there, it's a great event! Now all I've got to do is finish my Radical Pantah.....
  3. Been to this most years, a good day out, getting bigger every year. Will be going from Essex if its dryish and warmish.
  4. I went this year, the Italian food stalls and Ferraris were great and there was a great atmosphere in his part of the town. It was a shame that the bikes were put at the other end of the town nowhere near the main event. A bit disappointing really, the 'ride in to town' was about 500 yards long. If the bikes are where they were this year I don't think I'll bother next year.
  5. Shame. I was thinking of trying to drum-up a group to ride-up from the SW and stay-over (just like people come from far afield for the Bristol Italian Auto Festival). Won't bother though if bikes are marginalised - sounds like Horsham need to learn from Bristol.
  6. I think the problem is the event has outgrown the space. But yes it's a shame the bikes and cars are apart, but it's not a real issue as you can wander between the two areas.
  7. Note: There's a few errors in Deep Diver's post - the event will not be following exactly the same format as this year for the bikers.

    Criticisms and input from this year's event have been taken on board.

    Correct "Il Sette Bello" Piazza information for 2013 will be posted here soon!
  8. As one of the main "helpers" on this event on the day ... please rest assured
    Changes & improvements (hopefully) have been made - including the ride in
    Please ignore the first post on this thread
  9. Will we be parked at the correct end of the town where the event is?
  10. Meetings are still going on at (Horsham District Council level) ..... nothing has been finalised yet - hence no definitive Event Poster yet.
    Sorry I can't tell you more, but everything needs to be ratified.
  11. I'm confused, which is the correct information? I know it's a long way off but there seems to be conflicting posts?
  12. Ignore my last post then, you posted as I was typing!
  13. This post still stands.....
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Does it really matter where they put us, all the bikes will be together and a stroll to the other parts of town to stalls or ferrari's is no big deal.
  15. exactly! just join in for the fun and help raise money for deserving charities
  16. Missed this years event as couldn't get off work, but next year I'll be down from Jockland visiting family in Horsham so just need to decide which bike to bring 848sf or MTS1200
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