How can I draw a circle/radius on Google maps?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Is there any free software out there that is simple to use?
  2. Math1.jpg

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  3. [​IMG]
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  4. Do/save a screenshot, and edit from there.

    anyway, do you snowboard in circles .?
  5. printscreen and edit in 'paint'
  6. In your own words - Google it
  7. Wot did El T lern at skool I wonder? :wink:

    Mind you..........if it needs to be a certain distance / radius ie 50miles; then he has to make sure the Google Map is the right scale....
    #9 Ghost Rider, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2014
  8. Looks like someone is looking for alibi-compatible hunting grounds....
  9. I think he is trying to check how far he can go on a charge on his mobility scooter.
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  10. Nah - it's to do with international business. You wouldn't understand :wink:
  11. selling snow to the Swiss again
  12. Neither do you otherwise you'd know how to put a circle on a map.

  13. Umm population within within a certain radius......?
  14. Partly but not the whole picture.
  15. Collateral damage?
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  16. how far he's sown his seed

    didn't they make a film recently
  17. The Smurfs?
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