How do I delete old pics to make space?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. I've done it before but I can't remember how :rolleyes:

    Ps _ I've tried searching and couldn't find any destructions
  2. Thread closed, come on, close your own threads, you untidy bugger!
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  3. Sledge hammer smash up Pc it's full up .. Buy another and fill it with photos :) ...
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  4. Glad we could help :tongue:
  5. Old age is a terrible thing the memory goes 
  6. And not just the memory :frown:
  7. Don't be silly !
    Or sometimes if you stick the Hoover nozzle at the back of the monitor you can suck some of the photos out :) :) thus clearing space and keeping it dust free :)
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  8. What's a Hoover?
  9. Isn't it windy?
    I thought it was Thursday!
    So am I, let's have a cup of tea :wink:
  10. how?
  11. Click settings at the top of the page. Scroll down the list on the left hand side of the page. Click attachments and then off you jolly well go! :upyeah:
  12. Oh :( boo nobody else has any ingenious ideas ?
  13. Tipex has always worked a treat for me
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  14. Draw the photos then when your bored of them rub them out???

    Tip ex marvellous idea!!
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  15. Go to your c:// drive. Right click, then select quick format
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  16. That's a bit harsh ... That's the self destruct button
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