How do I remove bottom steering bearing?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Gilps, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. I've removed the top yolk and dropped the bottom yolk out of the frame, but how do I get the bottom bearing off the stem? It's really on there fast.

    I've split the bearing and am left with just the bearing inner. Help! Its on my carby SS.
  2. I used a dremel to cut mine off.
  3. Use an Angle Grinder to split the bottom bearing face.
  4. Hi,
    I found this when I was struggling with my 851.

    They actually manage to get it off without using a grinder. Unfortunately they solution did not work for me so I had to cut the inner ring with a grinder. Be careful not to cut into the stem...
  5. Thanks all for that. Really helpful stuff. I'll get the bearings through work. I presume that the cups are from the dealer?
  6. no, they are paired with the bearing. new bearing gets you cage assembly and thrust cup
  7. Fk using an angle grinder unless you want to b*gger up the stem.....

    Clamp the stem in a vice horizontally (with copper or ally jaw covers) and get an old but sharp wood chisel and a mid-weight hammer, plus a gas blow torch......give it enough heat (don't overdo it) and stick the chisel in the obvious place (flat side to the yoke) and give it a will move....then turn it over 180 degrees and do it again.....once it shifts enough you will be able to clamp the race in the vice and twist the stem out.

  8. done this both ways the best I have found is a combination of the two
    careful angle grinding gets the race nice and warm then chisel
    Steve B
  9. Agree with combination of above. Just done mine, got some bearings from a place called motion components ltd £36 delivered for 2. I called them to make sure they were SKF (639174) so we will see what they send.
  10. I took the Dremel to it, flattened two sides off so I could get mole grips on, and one good twist with the grips and it was off. Thanks for the advice chaps, and that video was most instructive.
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