How far will a 1200 Multi go once showing empty ! Heres the answer!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Dave Multistrada 1200ST, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. I was rather bored today so decided to satisfy my curiosity as too how far my bike would go once the fuel range was showing zero
    With 5 miles range showing I bungeed a gallon can of fuel to the pillion seat and headed for the open road , Once settled down to 55/60ish the range predictably climbed back up to 19 before starting to drop again , I rode up and down the same 3 mile stretch of emptyish A road as I didnt want to run out halfway across a busy junction , After 1 mile remaining had appeared I set the tripmeter to zero and continued at a steady 60 , I didnt get far ! With 5.9 miles showing on the trip the motor instantly died and I coasted to a halt..... no erratic running , no cutting out , no warning , nothing! that was it , Maybe if I had leant the bike over or shaken it about a bit it might have fired up again but I didnt try
    Having refilled with a bit more than a gallon the bike fired up as instantly as it had died and I set off with a remaing range of 68 miles showing , this is pretty damn accurate as I averged 68 to the gallon on my long haul 250 mile too a tank experiment ( see earlier post ) Basically the further the tank empties the more accurate the range indicator becomes to the point that zero is close too what it says , You better find a garage bloody quick, 5 too 6 miles at best , probably only 1 or 2 in a stop start heavy traffic situation
    Hope you all find this usefull and I appreciate that I may have too much free time !
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  2. Great work Dave, now onto your next experiment. I have often wondered how many hoots on the horn you can get with the ignition on but the engine off before the battery goes flat. Get to work my friend and look forward to your results being published before the weekend.
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  3. Well ojobear , Funnily enough ............ I can tell you how long the battery lasts with what appeared to be a fuel pump running while my ignition was definately off ! and thats about 24 hours ... happened last week although not intentionally , I was not impressed , Is it possible that the switch had stuck in a sort of partly on posistion ?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. brilliant, this post has everything going for it, riding a bike, the science and maths and observation skills, weather, knowledge, danger, suspense, technicalities, planning, project management and finally the immaculate documentation and useful information - a true classic, I salute you.

    • Like Like x 3
  5. I'm with Bugs on this one - great post with exactly the sort of useful info we all need. Nice one. :upyeah:

    Mark H
  6. So if you're not doing the horn/battery test Dave what is next?...........enjoying reading of your experimentation, keep it up :D

    I have cut it close once or twice.........

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  7. Nice one. That's really useful information. I might try it too and see if there's a correlation or whether they are all a bit different.
  8. Very useful info, thanks :smile:

    Once the last bar flashes, does it remain flashing when you're empty, or does it disappear completely?
  9. I didnt actually notice , but the icon of the bike with rider next to a fuel pump that appears in the round glass of the instrument console stats flashing just before the bitter end
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  10. Brilliant stuff. Thanks.
  11. Nah she cut out because of the ignition switch "issue" 1 mile showing? tons left!

    Only joking, a great little experiment which is actually very useful. I recently had 26 miles showing I now realise that that I can now delay my panic sessions.!
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