How many?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Major, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. What's the most bikes you've ever owned at the same time?

    The most I've had is three, I bet you can beat that :cool:
  2. Three here as well, two now.
  3. 5 ..... usually have 2 just incase one breaks :)
  4. Well five at the moment. Ducati monster dark ,aprilia rsv,Kawasaki zzr1100,Suzuki Dr650 rally raid rep,Suzuki gsx1100e .
  5. Wot no Honda ;)
    im down to 2 Monsters and ..... Cough CG125 :)
    but it does glow in the dark :)
    oh and most of a 1980 Gs550e
    in boxes :( poor thing
    #5 He11cat, Jan 12, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2013

  6. I have a Honda!! - 1992 CBR 600! the other is my Ducati 900ss ie
  7. Four for me, but down to two at the moment.
  8. Most was seven road bikes,three dirtbikes + one had to downsize to three on the road and two projects...I feel bereft...:frown:
  9. Well had a Honda Vfr 750 sold that about 4months ago .had a few Yamahas aswell thunder cat and ace .use to race fzr600 back in the past .
  10. My little Honda is a wreck ....
    Its done 80 thousand miles as the boy who owned it used to ride it from Suffolk to Eastbourne !
    I ride it up to Norfolk in winter.
    Took it down to London / Essex and some gits nicked it smashed it up and ragged it all round Epping Forest :(

    So its now a rat bike but I mean 80 thou for such a little bike !!
    I used to go about London on a friends CBR 1000 when he was dispatching it :)

    Was offered a Chinese 125 Cruiser today.....
    Thought may make a winter hack.
    sat on it ........ pulled a yuk face as couldn't bring myself to...... hated it, the riding position sucked and as for those cruiser bars bleugh!!!
    It felt so Alien , never liked cruisers at all and this just finally confirmed it !!
    Great little bike for someone but for me it felt so so wrong ... went and sat on my Monster and it felt goooood!
  11. And Clankie you are a star!
  12. Me a star nah maybe a fallen one :)
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  13. only at 5 at mo just sold one last year
    had 24 different ones in bits when 16 lol all field bikes tried making good ones out of the bad ones then realised there wasnt anything good among them
    wish i still had that lot ..........garellis ,fantics and so on
  14. I prefer to lavish everything on one - although it doesnt hurt to have one in reserve if it breaks
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  15. Dulux - must be a pro
  16. :upyeah:
  17. wish i could see that far into my shed lol
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